The installation is professionally provided by our own mechanics in one of our 26 installation locations or at your location. The Fleetassist system is built in such a condition that you will not see it as a driver.

All Our hardware has a built-in GPS receiver. Our hardware is already prepared for the latest GLONASS network, with a view to the future. GPS is the abbreviation for Global Positioning System, a system that can be used all over the world.

Your vehicle Then communicates 24/7 exclusively via our own servers, where the data is encrypted under the highest possible encryption. Your personal data will then be presented to you in a clear way via your personal Fleetassist platform. Our servers meet the highest ISO standards. Because the vehicle sends signals continuously via the GPS signal, they are stored directly. As a Result, every ridden moment is real-time insight (tracking system) and then the complete Rithistorie is run out (ritregistratie).

The Fact that the hardware is equipped with a G-force sensor makes it easy to compare the behaviour of different drivers. Think of exceptionally hard braking/accelerate, speed, bend behaviour, etc. At 80% of the vehicles, we can even make a CANBUS link between the Fleetassist hardware and the car's on-board computer, which allows you to read the exact information on the onboard computer via your personal Fleetassist platform.