One of the elements in the Delta Plan that stands out is Payment by Use. Here, the government wants to test this period of government to find out what the best methods are. The association Zakelijke Rijders (Business Drivers' Association) has submitted the request for this pilot. The test focuses on variable addition to private kilometres. VZR will investigate the effects of the introduction of a variable addition on the business driver.

Not the same as road pricing

There has been a lot of talk in the media about road pricing. This has ensured that this 'container concept' is accompanied by a negative charge. VZR is opposed to this form of road pricing based on time and place, because not everyone has a free choice in this respect. They argue that there should be no discrimination on the basis of time or place. By driving in rush hour and in the Randstad, for example, the driver would pay more than at a different place and time. This is not justified because not everyone can choose to travel on the road network outside the rush hour. Partly for this reason, VZR is of the opinion that a variable addition is a fairer alternative, because the user pays for it.

Variable addition

Now it is the case that the business driver pays additionally for the private use of the business car. This is done by means of a flat-fee where one price is paid regardless of the number of private kilometres driven by the company car. It is much fairer if the addition is based on the actual private use of the car. This is how the idea of 'paying by use' arose.